Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A long absence

Nearly a month since my last post. Hopefully this will not be the norm. There are a number of reasons I could attribute my long gap to: being ill with cold/sore throat for two weeks (but not off work, otherwise would probably have been on here a few times), busy at work due to lack of staff, busy working on my gifts website in the run up to Christmas. None of them really good excuses.

The lack of writing on this blog is also an indication of the lack of writing in general I've been doing. I'm working on a ghost story for a Writing Magazine competition but it's still all in my head. Also had an idea for a Christmas story: ditto.

Reading is a different matter however. Since the last post I've finished the Stephen Booth novel, 'Blood on the Tongue', and also read 'I'm Not Scared' by Niccolo Ammanti and 'Good News, Bad News' by David Wolstencroft (creator of Spooks). All fairly good, the best one being the Stephen Booth novel. Reviews of all of them in my LibraryThing library (link on the right of this page).

I tell a lie - I've done one bit of writing. I've done an entry for the History Matters: One Day in History project. The project involves getting as many people as possible to write a blog/journal/diary entry for 17 October 2006. It will be a kind of electronic time capsule stored by the British Library for future generations to look at. I liked the idea of the project, so wrote about my day yesterday. I also spent a bit of time reading different people's entries. It was rather interesting to get snapshots of different people's lives. Potentially a mine of story ideas there!

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