Wednesday, June 09, 2010


Have discovered a great new website, where you send postcards to strangers round the world, and in return get postcards sent to you from other strangers round the world. Sound barmy? When you log on to the site and choose to send a postcard, the site randomly allocates you a name and address of another postcrossing member to send a postcard to. You are given a unique postcrossing Id number to put on the postcard for the recipient to input at the other end. Once they have received and logged your postcard, the site gives your details to another random member from somewhere in the world for them to send a postcard to you. The fun is not knowing when a postcard is going to drop through your letterbox and where it will be from.

I have sent 4 so far which means once they are received I should have 4 postcards from across the world heading for my doorstep. I can't wait!

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