Sunday, March 21, 2010

Gardening plan

Have done some more gardening this weekend, mainly digging out all the bushes in the front garden. There is now quite a decent size bed there to work with. Also went to garden centre, Barton Grange near Preston. Great coffee and cake! Picked up a few seed packets but is a bit early to buy plants. We did see an apricot bush which was tempting however.

Decided to come up with a plan for what to grow. Don't want to have lots of useless plants in pots this year. So I am definitely going to grow:

1) Potatoes - essential. Easy to grow and we eat a lot of them. Got some maincrop (Arran pilot) and new potatoes (Charlotte) chitting on windowsill. Purple sprouts growing out of them! Going to grow in potato bags, probably at back of the garden.

2) Salads - lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber. Kate's mum is starting some off for me, but we may start some off ourselves. Maybe have some lettuce and rocket in the front garden.

3) Garlic - will grow a row in the front garden I think.

4) Herbs - some Basil on windowsill. Parsley, sage, coriander, thyme, mint, rosemary and oregano. Maybe some marjoram and tarragon too. Oh and chives. Some in front, some in back garden. Sounds a lot, but already have some established plants growing already, and some more just planted.

5) Flowers- in front garden and hanging baskets. A mix of bright, colourful flowers.

6) Runner beans and possibly peas. Against fences in back garden.

7) Sweetcorn - fancy giving it a go. Will start off planting in a pot indoors and see how it goes.

8) Carrots - chanteney. Have had success in the past but not in the last couple of years. Slugs and birds keep eating seedlings.

We may grow other stuff, onions being one possibility, but don't want to take on too much. Oh forgot to mention fruit - we have a strawberry planter, blueberry bush and blackcurrent bush. Also raspberry canes but they don't look like they are sprouting this year.

The challenge is maintaining the plants, and in particular seeing off the threat of slugs and birds. For the former I am investing in some copper 'slug rings'. For the latter, may try some nets though. First need to finish clearing and tidying the garden, then get planting. I think Easter weekend, in 2 weeks will be a big planting weekend.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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