Sunday, March 21, 2010

Incredible Edible Todmorden

Watched an episode of Michael Portillo's 'Great British Railway Journeys' today. Lots of good stuff in there, but was particularly interested in his visit to Todmorden in East Lancashire. The town and surrounding area have a big project going on to become more self-sufficient, and produce as much food as possible locally.

There's an egg list on their website where you can find a map with all the people selling eggs on from the chickens they are keeping in their garden, along with phone numbers. There's herb gardens at the station and carrots growing in the car park and you can help yourself. Looking at the website - I can see there is also lots of orchards planted, a lot on public land, which people can help themselves to. The project has involved asking schools, public bodies, businesses, local council etc to allow use of some land to grow things. I think this is a brilliant idea, and would love it if we could do something like it in Lancashire.

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